I’ve Got A Running Total

“Where are you?” asked my wife when she called me on my cell phone one afternoon. “I’m in Walmart,” I answered. “Oh. Are you running errands?” “No, just running…or jogging, to be more precise. Running in the aisles is not permitted. I just heard a mother say that to her kid.” “Why are you doing…

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Learning to Read

Do you remember the books you read in first grade? I sure do. And I fondly recall spelling tests, recess, flavored milk, and a girl name Lynne. I still drink flavored milk, but my wife tells me a recess with Lynne today is unacceptable. The best part of school was the “Dick and Jane” stories…

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Sick of Hearing About Donald Trump

Let me be upfront here. I voted for the guy that seems to be the most loved / most hated man in America. If Donald Trump and Joe Biden are the only two choices on the ballot, I’ll vote for him again (and I am desperately hoping for better choices by then). But this aforementioned…

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Old Settlers’ Early Hamilton County Memories

If you were living in Hamilton County during the last half of the 19th century and very early 20th century, you might be getting ready to attend one of the Old Settlers’ Meetings about now. These gatherings, usually held in August, were opportunities for people get together to reminisce about the “Olden Times,” as well…

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Former VP Pence Should Wait Until 2028

Mike Pence and I used to compare career notes at Acapulco Joe’s back in the days when he was beginning his radio show and I, Howey Politics Indiana. In 2010, I wrote that the congressman should run for president, saying it might be his best and only opportunity. Then there was Aug. 8, 2019 column,…

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I Am Good Enough

I’ve decided that I’m good enough. I had a big birthday, and it got me to thinking, as big birthdays will, about what would change and what would stay the same in the decade to come. I found my list of self-improvement chores much shorter than in previous years. I used to exhaust myself with…

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