2024 Carmel City Budget Introduced

By: Adam Aasen The proposed $208.8 million budget includes a 7 percent increase in the general fund, which covers most city services. Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard, who is leaving office on Jan. 1, said he will be recommending a rate cap resolution, which prevents any increase in the city rate in 2024 compared to 2023.…

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Is It The Spooky Season, Or Just Silly?

By: Tim Timmons Scattershooting while wondering whatever happened to Abe Martin . . . * * * DID YOU hear that when it comes to money we’re spending more and more and more and more on . . . no, not talking about government. I’m talking about Halloween. According to the National Retail Federation, we…

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Changing Of The Seasons In Hamilton County

By: Mark Hall Welcome to the Timesheet. This column is a report of work done on behalf of the people of Hamilton County. It’s to be informative too, a place to learn about projects and how our county government works.  As your employee, it’s important to me that you know what is being worked on…

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A Little Allisonville Road History

By Paula Dunn I always thought the migration of wealthy movers and shakers from Indianapolis to Hamilton County was a phenomenon that began during my lifetime, so I was surprised to run across a story in the January 28, 1912, Indianapolis Sunday Star Magazine that proves it actually started long before that. The article’s headline…

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Noblesville Choirs Celebrate Fall

By: Betsy Reason For the first time since this school year started, parents, families and friends of Noblesville High School choir students descended upon the school to watch all eight NHS choirs perform on stage. It was a packed house for “An Autumn Concert,” presented free to choir families in the 942-seat auditorium last Thursday…

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