Life and other deep subjects

Scattershooting about the meaning of life . . . and other deep subjects (like, why do hot dogs taste better with coney sauce . . . and why are some coney sauces sweet while others are not) . . . * * * WHETHER WE are talking about The Times in Noblesville or our paper…

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Timmons missing in action

Tim Timmons is missing in action this week, but he must be hiding somewhere warm and out of this chilly weather because we can’t find him or his column anywhere. Hopefully, we’ll find him wandering around and will have his column back and ready for next week.

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This, that and pondering ‘tuthers . . .

Just scattershooting while wondering whatever happened to Alfred E. Neuman . . . * * * WOW, IT’S amazing how life changing a . . . life-changing event is (careful, no one ever accused me of being the smartest guy in the room). For those who don’t follow these weekly ramblings, I had a heart…

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It’s time for NY resolutions

Regular readers of this space know that I am so very guilty of often making comparisons between the sports world and the business world. So sorry! Maybe it’s the fact that I used to be a sports writer. Maybe it’s because I like sports. Dunno. I think it really has a lot more to do…

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We’re responsible for our actions . . . really

The following is a true story. Really. No one can make this stuff up. On Dec. 15, I was working on a column about New Year’s resolutions and wrote the following: We are responsible for ourselves – if I keel over from a heart attack the fault doesn’t lie with McDonald’s because they make quarter…

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From Tim . . .

To all our wonderful customers, By now you are used to your favorite Hamilton County daily doing things a little bit differently. It’s been a long (and short) 17 years since the little company that could was founded. Of course we never would have survived any of those 17 years if not for you. For…

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Twas a few days before Christmas . . .

Years ago . . . OK, decades . . . I penned a parody of Clement Clarke Moore’s outstanding work, The Night Before Christmas. I was a young sports writer and had some fun doing it, so every few years since then I try again. The coaches, who were gracious enough not to run me…

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An unexpected Christmas call . . .

I love Christmas! From early, early memories more than 60 years ago of watching for Santa, to the year I found car keys in my sock (and a payment book), to early years of marriage and walks in the snow, to a few years later and seeing our girls fly down the stairs on Christmas…

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