Are Democrats Gaining Ground in Indiana?

The older I get the more stock I put into the law of unintended consequences. Look at energy. The U.S. has cut back on energy production. Not sure why, but that forced us to buy energy from foreign powers. Probably not what was intended. But it goes further. The idea was to battle global warming.…

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A Letter to Lady Liberty

A few years ago, I wrote a letter to Lady Liberty. The world was a tad different then. Donald Trump was being his arrogant self in the west wing. Joe Biden was out of office and many of us were hoping retired and the United States was enjoying gas prices well under $3 – and…

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Reminiscing About Those Nob City Nights

Indiana has some great poets and songwriters. From James Whitcomb Riley to one of Noblesville’s favorite sons Steve Wariner, there’s no shortage of talent or writers. Let me be crystal clear, I am not in their league. Not by a long shot. But for those of you who grew up ‘round these parts and are…

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While Argument Rages, Innocents Die

I have written several times about school shootings in the past. If there is a more heinous crime in today’s world, I do not know what it is – and that’s saying something. What I fail to understand is the outcry every time for more gun control laws. STOP! Before you take me behind the…

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What Kind of World? Fill in the Blank

We live in a (fill in the blank) world today. Sure, I can give you some options, but I’ll bet you’ve already come up with several of your own . . . some of which might even be suitable for a family newspaper. One slightly weird thing that may (or may not) surprise the eight…

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He Waits By the Phone . . . and Waits

Why do I bother? Every year around this time I sit by the phone waiting for the call, and other than the good folks from Diapers to Diplomas Daycare, it never comes. What call is that, you ask? The one from schools looking for graduation speakers. I mean, c’mon, these worn out Weejuns have a…

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Three Cheers for Sen. Mike Braun

While questioning Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra recently, Indiana Sen. Mike Braun said this: “I think the government shouldn’t be pushing kids toward irreversible sex change therapy. We’re moving into territory we’ve never been in as a government. These kids are having a hard time and we should be focusing more on mental…

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Primary Over, Time to Move Forward

Polls are closed. Voters have spoken. It’s time to get going. It’s been said before – many times – in this space that we’re so lucky here in this little corner of God’s green earth. Politically speaking, we don’t have the issues that our brothers and sisters in Washington, or even Indianapolis, have. For sure,…

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