Addressing Nastiness in Society

My, my. We do tend to get testy as a society now, don’t we? I remember talking to then-sheriff Mark Casteel a couple of years ago. He was telling me about sitting in a line at a red light. One guy actually ran the light (a pretty gutsy move considering the obvious sheriff’s car) and…

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Moving Forward Apart or Together?

It just doesn’t feel like 54 years since the assassination of Martin Luther King, but this week marked that milestone. It was on April 4, 1968 that the civil rights leader was gunned down on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. That single act of cowardice and violence by James Early Ray sparked…

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Transgender Question Still Up In Air

Less than a year ago I wrote about the controversy of transgendered people in sports. I got crucified over it, but what opinion doesn’t get you that with today’s cancel culture? To sum up, I pointed out the inherent unfairness of allowing male to compete against female. If you have followed the issue, then you…

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Timmons Back And Wandering Around

Notes scribbled on the back of an EKG printout . . . * * * TO PARAPHRASE the late Jerry Garcia, what a long and strange trip it’s been . . . although I’m relatively certain we’re talking two very different kind of trips. The short answer to the question so many of you have…

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Hammer Pays a Visit to the Missus . . .

EDITOR’S NOTE: Tim Timmons will be returning soon. He underwent quadruple bypass surgery and is on the mend. In his stead this week, his wife Linda reports on an unexpected visit from a very familiar face. As a publisher’s wife I’ve encountered many people with opinions about the news and newspapers, most of them very…

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Tiptoeing Through the Tulips . . .

Scattershooting while missing the wonderful work of Bob Collins . . . * * * FOR THE record, I’ve never been confused with Tiny Tim (Google him, millennials – Baby Boomers remember him . . . and probably wish they didn’t). My hair was never that long. I sang bass in the choir. And I…

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Hammer Takes Whoopi’s Side?

“Timmons, are you familiar with The View?” Seven words, albeit spoken in a voice loud as thunder, and I wondered if my heart was going to attack John Hammer and me both. My first thought was I wondered if that electric fly zapper thingamabob could double as a defibrillator? For those new to these scribblings,…

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Timmons Updates This, That & ‘Tuther

Notes found scribbled on the back of an EKG printout  . . . * * * In the immortal words of Gomer Pyle, thank you, thank you, thank you! In my wildest dreams I never imagined hearing from so many of you. There have literally been hundreds of messages – and heck, most of them…

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