Arrowood Extolls HHSC Teachers and Students

It’s my distinct pleasure to announce Hamilton Heights School Corporation’s Building Level Teachers of the Year! This year’s recipients are Chelsea Kleyla (HHES), Jeff Beechler (HHMS), and Elisa Garcia (HHHS). One of these educators will be selected to represent Hamilton Heights at the Indiana Teacher of the Year competition in the fall. The winner will…

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Noblesville Resident Organizes Indiana Peony Fest in 2nd Year

When 10,000 people attended the inaugural Indiana Peony Festival in Noblesville in 2021, attendance was more than organizers could have ever imagined. So this year, the Peony Festival returns this weekend with more activities, including a Peonies in the Park 21-and-older preview event on Friday night and a Brunch Crawl Saturday morning before the festival,…

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He Waits By the Phone . . . and Waits

Why do I bother? Every year around this time I sit by the phone waiting for the call, and other than the good folks from Diapers to Diplomas Daycare, it never comes. What call is that, you ask? The one from schools looking for graduation speakers. I mean, c’mon, these worn out Weejuns have a…

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New Exhibits at Virtual Museum!

Welcome once again to the From Time to Thyme Virtual Museum. We have some new exhibits of lost Hamilton County historical objects! Step this way to see a beaver hat made in 1806. According to the October 15, 1929, Noblesville Daily Ledger, the original owner of the hat was Samuel Carey, a prominent Philadelphia Quaker.…

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2nd Best Brothers

I have three brothers, and together, we couldn’t be more different. Well, that’s not quite true. Two of us think similarly. Two of us behave similarly. Two of us react similarly. The matter is that, at any given time, we are never sure which two. Maybe that’s because we are the offspring of our father,…

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‘Liberty Defense’ GOP Insurgency Was a Dud

This “trend” bubbled up in the homestretch leading into the May 3 Indiana primary in several media quarters: A slate of “Liberty Defense” candidates was poised to pull the Republican House and Senate super majorities even further to the right. Liberty Defense, based in Bluffton, was formed to confront Gov. Eric Holcomb’s pandemic mandates and…

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Friends Like Angel

This time of year still hits me hard. It is the anniversary of the death of my best girlfriend, Angel, who died too young and left an Angel-shaped hole in my life. “Can it be six years?” I ask my husband, Peter, in disbelief. Angel died at 50 years old, six years ago. In the…

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