Dr. Arrowood’s Spring Update

Welcome back! I hope everyone was able to take advantage of spring break to rest, re-energize, and are ready to finish the semester strong. The next six weeks will be a flurry of activity including spring sports, testing, awards, recognitions, prom, art shows, concerts, and graduation among a few. A couple of calendar items to…

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Laugh Lines

My wife, Mary Ellen, is usually a warm, caring, and sensitive person, so when I turned to her the other night at dinner and said, “I can’t think of anything funny left to make fun of anymore. I may have to stop writing my humor column,” I was surprised when she replied, “Could you please…

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Working at Home

Luckily, I’ve got a little home office. It’s a place I can go sleep after my morning coffee.  On Monday I had lots of time on my hands, so I took an online test to gauge my maturity level. It said I was “childish, obnoxious, and apathetic.” It said some other stuff, but I didn’t…

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Addressing Nastiness in Society

My, my. We do tend to get testy as a society now, don’t we? I remember talking to then-sheriff Mark Casteel a couple of years ago. He was telling me about sitting in a line at a red light. One guy actually ran the light (a pretty gutsy move considering the obvious sheriff’s car) and…

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‘Fantasticks’ Musical Makes ‘Theater Magic’

Finding the perfect young male and female lead roles for the world’s longest-running musical seems like it was meant to be. The role of the clueless, self-involved Luisa in “The Fantasticks” can sometimes be more difficult to fill. The role requires someone with a youthful appearance ­­­­‑- stage age 16 — and yet a strong,…

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Hamilton County’s Roads to Nowhere

If you’ve ever studied a map of Hamilton County, you can’t fail to notice this county has several roads that go nowhere. Well okay, they actually do go SOMEwhere; they just don’t lead where you might expect because the communities for which they were named no longer exist. In a few cases, like Cyntheanne and…

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