Mary Ellen and I just returned from a wonderful Caribbean cruise. But no one wants to read a humor column about how much fun we had. So instead, I’ll put on my grumpy old man hat and describe everything that went wrong. On our first day, we went snorkeling. It took us about an hour…

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Kiwanians partner with Boys & Girls Club, Serving Pancakes

What better way to spend a cool Saturday morning than to enjoy all-you-can-eat pancakes and sausage. The Noblesville Kiwanis Sunrisers did just that last Saturday by inviting the community to the pancake breakfast, which annually raises money for the Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville. Kiwanians arrive early at the Boys & Girls Club’s Community…

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Kenny Looks at Big Ten Schedule Shakeups

Media reports indicate the Big Ten Conference’s top officials will meet sometime this month to work out plans for football schedules in 2024 and beyond. It’s not going to be as simple as plugging in new members USC and UCLA alongside Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Northwestern and Wisconsin in the West while shifting Purdue to…

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And The Survey Says . . .

At first glance, it seemed like a pretty good deal.  Enjoy a complimentary $25.00 gift card from one of the local supermarkets.  All it required was answering a few questions online. I figured it was a marketing scam. I wasn’t born yesterday. In fact, as you’ll see, I was born 100 years ago. I had…

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Chris Hacker is Living His Dream

‘18 NHS grad, 1 Hand On theWheel, to Race Daytona TruckSeries Friday Night Before 500 I remember the afternoon that I met young race car driver Chris Hacker 10 years ago at Anderson Speedway. The 13-year-old, an eighth-grader at Noblesville Middle School, was putting on his helmet, sliding into his racecar and taking a few…

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Two Trips to This, that, ‘tuther

Notes scribbled on the back of a non-burnt 1970 draft card . . . * * * YES, TIDBITS TWO weeks in a row. A good friend reminded me that sputtering on forever on single topics can get old. Sometimes it’s just enjoyable to hop around a bit. Thanks, KP! I appreciate the heads up!…

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Noblesville’s Barb Weaver A Natural in Many Roles

Anybody who’s been a patron of local community theater has likely watched Noblesville’s Barb Weaver act in a play. Weaver got involved in theater at age 10, taking acting classes through her park district. “In grade school, I would gather my friends together to put on shows for the school,” Weaver said.  She and her…

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Remembering Clean Laundry

In the last reader column, I tried tracing the history of the old laundromat building, one of the structures at the intersection of Noblesville’s Tenth and Pleasant Streets that was recently razed for the Pleasant Street project. That column prompted a response from Martha Tunget Spurrier. Martha has good reason to remember that building —…

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