Politics As Usual . . .

A good many of you responded to last week’s babblings about the fiasco the U.S. House went through in electing a Speaker. To a person, you agreed that it was just another example of the ineptitude our government sadly exhibits now. But a lot of you went further. Much further. The anger, the frustration, the…

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Do You Remember? . . . 10th and Pleasant

My friend, Pam Ferber, recently gave me some newspaper clippings her late mother, Pat Gibbs, had saved. Pat was very interested in genealogy and local history, and she’d cut out a LOT of articles. Among Pat’s clippings are some titled “Remember When?” and “Do You Remember?” A little research revealed that this was a feature…

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Beauty in the Imperfections

I almost threw away my old lace napkins. They have rust stains on them. In order to cover the stains, I threw them in a pot of green dye and boiled them. The dye was not a success. The napkins all came out in slightly varying shades of green, and the rust stains—while less noticeable—were…

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Party Switching Candidates are Rare in Indiana

When it comes to switching parties, the list is a long one and recently dominated by the Southland, which in the wake of the 1965 Great Society Voting Rights Act prompted an overt migration from the Democratic to the Republican party, as President Lyndon B. Johnson aptly predicted. The list includes some titanic American figures,…

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NHS Show Choirs Kick Off Competition Season Today

Noblesville High School’s show choir competition season begins today. NHS Singers, the high school’s top mixed show choir, and their traveling companion choir, New Dimension, NHS’s top all-female show choir, today travels to and competes at Jay County High School in Portland. I know this because my daughter, a NHS junior, is in NHS Singers…

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Being Resolute

For the year 2023, I made 23 New Year’s resolutions. I’ve already broken every single one.  Below is my list. I resolved that… 1. In a restaurant, when the waitress sees my totally cleaned plate and asks how I enjoyed my meal, I will not say: “I didn’t like it one bit.”  According to a…

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