Wolfsie Lets Google Finish His Thoughts
I just finished listening to a discussion on the radio about Internet search engines. One of the guests wanted to determine the longitude and latitude of an emerging African nation and had begun his hunt with the phrase: WHERE IS_____? Before he started typing the name of the country, Google offered him autofilled suggestions, anticipating…
Read MoreTaking A Look at Boilermakers in the NFL with Kenny
The Joe Tiller era at Purdue produced 52 players who went on to the NFL for at least one season. With all Tiller alumni except for Colts offensive tackle Dennis Kelly now out of the league, Purdue’s NFL numbers have been declining for years. An indictment, possibly, of the recruiting efforts of Tiller’s successors Danny…
Read MoreElks Upcoming Rummage Sales Among Charity Events
A new fundraising event will see Noblesville Elks Lodge members cleaning their closets, garages and basements in search of items to sell to raise money for charity. The Elks Lodge No. 576 is calling this event the “Elks Purge Rummage Sale” and will be the first-time sale for charity the next two Saturdays: 9 a.m.…
Read MoreTimmons Asks: Who’s The One Dividing Who?
I tried. I really did try. For the eight or nine of you who regularly read these scribblings, you might recall that on a couple of occasions I’ve pointed out that we all – as in all parties and independents – need to stand behind our president. If he’s your guy, it’s easy. If he’s…
Read MoreRemembering Martha Gascho
Noblesville Native, Longtime AttorneyWas Among FewPracticing Femalesin the Early Days A step into downtown Noblesville attorney Martha Gascho’s office was a step back in time. A place where a film crew could have made a period movie. A place where Martha worked diligently at her desk and met with clients who needed a will or…
Read MoreSchool Days at Boxley
Driving through Boxley today you’d never know it was once THE town in Adams Township. The railroad changed all that. Just as Shielville began to disappear after tracks were laid to neighboring Buena Vista (Atlanta,) Boxley — or Boxleytown, as it was known in its early days — started to decline after the railroad bypassed…
Read MoreWhat a Fun Labor Day Weekend
Not only was Labor Day weekend fun but it was also a beautiful weekend. On Friday night, which was a “First Friday,” Noblesville Main Street’s Chocolate Trail and Music and All That Jazz brought out hundreds of folks to the Hamilton County Courthouse Square in downtown Noblesville. Main Street executive director Kate Baker sat under…
Read MoreA ‘Brief’ Near-Death Experience
I don’t know if this is a curse or a blessing, but I’m pretty certain I know how I’m going to die. I can hear the coroner’s pen scratching now: Cause of Death: Extermination by Underwear. I figure it would only be manslaughter. I don’t think my underwear have it in for me, but who…
Read MoreTrump’s Voice Echoes, ‘No one will be above the law’
Three weeks ago, the FBI recovered hundreds of pages of top secret documents from Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago resort, some from U.S. intelligence human sources. If you or I or David Petraeus or Sandy Berger had hoarded these documents, we would be facing federal felony charges, and, with a law signed by President Trump in 2018…
Read MoreNot Much of A Joke
It wasn’t much of a joke, as far as jokes go. I saw the man wearing two hats, one on top of the other. The second hat may have been for his wife. It was decorated with intricate drawings. He was walking with her, a third hat tied to the handle of a stroller, and…
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