Thomas Jefferson Quote – The Rest of the Story

We often see or hear a quote attributed to Founding Father Thomas Jefferson. Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But what we hardly ever see or hear is the full context…

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How Three Men Founded the Same Town – Seperately

Here’s a pop quiz for you — which Hamilton County town had three founders, but not all at the same time? If your answer was Atlanta, congratulations! You know your Hamilton County history! Atlanta is actually a combination of three towns: Spargerville (which sometimes appears as Spargersville,) Shielville (or Shielsville) and Buena Vista. All three…

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Peter Fulton Loves Singing to Others

20-Year-Old Wins2nd Overall Vocalat Indiana State Fair Peter’s Fulton best advice for young singers? “When you’re performing, don’t focus on sounding ‘good.’ Focus on telling the audience a story. If you try to sing perfectly, you’d be putting too much pressure on yourself. But if you try to tell a story, you’ll be letting the…

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A Night of Make-Believe

Close your eyes. Wait a minute! What am I thinking? That won’t work. How are you going to read the rest of this experiment if your eyes are closed? Let’s start again. Make-believe that your eyes are closed. That’s better! And it is a perfectly acceptable preamble to what’s coming next. Because from this point…

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Marta, Me and Piccolina

I was walking down an old street in an old part of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Brightly colored wooden doors lined the streets. There was no indication from the outside what might be within. It could be a courtyard filled with flowers and a fountain, or a small business, or somebody’s kitchen. It is…

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Pink Eye; Cause, Treatment and Prevention

Now that schools are back in session, the incidence of “pink eye” will likely start to pick up. This is a very common condition that accounts for over 30 percent of patient visits for eye problems. Conjunctivitis is the medical term for “pink eye.” The conjunctiva is the continuous connective tissue membrane that covers the…

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