Carrie Gets to Know and Appreciate Lulu

My husband, Peter, and I are back in our little place in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Of course, it is not really “our” place. We don’t own it and have no desire to own anything here larger than a pressure cooker (yes, Peter bought one). When we arrived, Pepe at the front desk said,…

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The Commitment of Rep. Walorski and Her Staff

For a delegation that easily logs more than a million highway miles every year, Wednesday’s news of the death of U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski and staffers Zachery Potts and Emma Thomson was a staggering, drop-to-your-knees moment of shock and then overwhelming grief. Lee Hamilton once told me it could take him five-hours to cross the…

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Indy Gorgeous Club to be Feature Act at Street Dance

A group of talented young men, all high school-age musicians, got together to play some music. They practiced in a band member’s basement. They performed at the Noblesville Farmers Market, at several private gigs and “wherever they could get the opportunity.” When the band came up with the Indy Gorgeous Club name for a Spotify…

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Arrowood Talks Kids Returning to School

The start of the new school year is right around the corner, and I am looking forward to the chatter and activity as our campus comes to life with the enthusiasm and energy of our students and staff. I’m excited about the unlimited opportunities for exploration and growth that is an integral part of our…

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I’ve Got A Running Total

“Where are you?” asked my wife when she called me on my cell phone one afternoon. “I’m in Walmart,” I answered. “Oh. Are you running errands?” “No, just running…or jogging, to be more precise. Running in the aisles is not permitted. I just heard a mother say that to her kid.” “Why are you doing…

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Learning to Read

Do you remember the books you read in first grade? I sure do. And I fondly recall spelling tests, recess, flavored milk, and a girl name Lynne. I still drink flavored milk, but my wife tells me a recess with Lynne today is unacceptable. The best part of school was the “Dick and Jane” stories…

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Sick of Hearing About Donald Trump

Let me be upfront here. I voted for the guy that seems to be the most loved / most hated man in America. If Donald Trump and Joe Biden are the only two choices on the ballot, I’ll vote for him again (and I am desperately hoping for better choices by then). But this aforementioned…

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