School Board Elections More Important Than Ever

There’s so much disagreement in the world today. Liberals, conservatives, socialists, Trumpers, non-Trumpers . . . it just goes on and on. But perhaps most of us can agree that parents are the biggest influence when it comes to their children. And maybe we can also nod our heads together on the idea that the…

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Got The To Do Flu

I got the to-do flu? How about you? Got too many things to do? Got you down, got you blue? Sort of feels like the flu? How do you do! Guess I was channeling my inner Dr. Seuss. But there are a bunch of topics to catch up on. So without further ado . .…

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State GOP Facing Challenges of Own Making

Ok Class, here’s today’s test. Who is Daniel E. Kelly? Googling is not allowed. Anyone? OK, here’s a hint. Mr. Kelly is connected to Dr. Brewster M. Higley. It’s OK, I’ll wait. Still nothing? One last hint. Dr. Higley wrote a poem called My Western Home in the 1870s. Give up? Daniel took that poem…

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Timmons Asks: Who’s The One Dividing Who?

I tried. I really did try. For the eight or nine of you who regularly read these scribblings, you might recall that on a couple of occasions I’ve pointed out that we all – as in all parties and independents – need to stand behind our president. If he’s your guy, it’s easy. If he’s…

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Who’s Paying Attention to the Big Stuff?

Last week we talked about a quote from Thomas Jefferson. OK, pardon the drastic switch but this week let’s look at a quote that “sort of” came out of Wonderland – with Alice. A lot of people attribute – if you don’t know where you’re going any road will get you there – to Lewis…

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Thomas Jefferson Quote – The Rest of the Story

We often see or hear a quote attributed to Founding Father Thomas Jefferson. Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But what we hardly ever see or hear is the full context…

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Sick of Hearing About Donald Trump

Let me be upfront here. I voted for the guy that seems to be the most loved / most hated man in America. If Donald Trump and Joe Biden are the only two choices on the ballot, I’ll vote for him again (and I am desperately hoping for better choices by then). But this aforementioned…

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They Defined Cuteness

We often go over the things in this space that seem wrong with the world, well, at least in one man’s opinion. This week, please allow me to share a little bit about what’s right. Not too long ago, I had the distinct pleasure of watching two of our grandpups play in their first T-ball…

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Continuing Discussion on Morals

I’ve been writing newspaper columns since my junior year in high school, almost 50 years ago. A couple of them produced death threats that the law enforcement folks deemed credible enough to have a chat with me about watching my back for a few days. Not sure I’ve written any that generated as much response…

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