Goodbye, and a look back at 2021

As we wind down 2021 on this New Year’s Eve and prepare to welcome 2022, I share with you my highlights of the year. Here’s my list of more than 35 things that I recall in 2021: 1. The $24.4 million mixed-use Levinson project, Noblesville’s first parking garage, and the first new downtown apartments in…

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It’s time for NY resolutions

Regular readers of this space know that I am so very guilty of often making comparisons between the sports world and the business world. So sorry! Maybe it’s the fact that I used to be a sports writer. Maybe it’s because I like sports. Dunno. I think it really has a lot more to do…

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Feeling down in a senior slump? Me too!

When I reached my 50th birthday, I tried to deny that it represented a turning point in my life. As I reported then, AARP slipped my membership kit under my front door at the stroke of midnight. I hadn’t thought much about getting old until I bent over to pick up the brochure from the…

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A year-end look back at our own 2021 year

Over the past few years, it has seemed that people have been mailing fewer and fewer holiday cards. Some send greetings on Facebook (now Meta) and others use email or texts. While any of these methods are welcome, I have yet to give up mailing holiday newsletters. And this year was no exception. While my…

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We’re responsible for our actions . . . really

The following is a true story. Really. No one can make this stuff up. On Dec. 15, I was working on a column about New Year’s resolutions and wrote the following: We are responsible for ourselves – if I keel over from a heart attack the fault doesn’t lie with McDonald’s because they make quarter…

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The annual Notable Nineties salute

Well, we’ve made it through another year — pandemic and all. If you’re a regular reader of this column, you know what comes next. This is when I recognize all our Notable Nineties by printing the entire list. If you’re not a regular reader, an explanation is in order. When Jerry Snyder was writing her…

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Our most difficult decision for 2022

2022 will be over almost quicker than you can say Happy New Year! Just look how fast 2021 sped by us all. Time rarely feels as if it’s standing still unless we are waiting on something to happen. Time only drags when we need something to happen like a cure for a disease, a job…

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Having a ball in 2022

With New Year’s Eve just around the corner, I find myself thinking once again of Disney’s Cinderella. I know what you are thinking. No, I’m not the party dude who ends up under the grand piano, drinking champagne from a lady’s glass slipper. Shock! That’s really not me. Ryan Seacrest doesn’t have to emcee the…

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