Wolfsie Getting Testy!
My wife read some troubling information the other day in one of her monthly magazines. You might think the source of this bad news would be a publication like Prevention, where every page is full of things you should not be full of, like red meat, trans fat chips, cakes and pies, and sugary soft…
Read MoreKenny on The Strength of Big Ten Basketball Recruiting
My old colleague at the Lafayette Journal and Courier, Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame sportswriter Jeff Washburn, liked to say winning in college football and basketball is all about the “Jimmys and Joes, not the Xs and Os.” It’s difficult to argue that premise. Just look at the familiar names that seem to make the…
Read MoreRenting or Buying, Which is Best for You?
A retired minister and his wife had never owned a house. They had spent all their married lives living in housing provided by churches. At age 65 they bought a house and financed it for 15 years. They had been frugal and had saved a good down payment. They paid for the house by age…
Read MoreUpdate from Arrowood
In last Friday’s Department of Education Weekly Update from Dr. Katie Jenner, she shared several goals including a statewide literacy goal of 95% of third grade students demonstrating reading proficiency skills and passing IREAD-3 by 2027. Statistics show that students who pass the IREAD-3 assessment in third grade are roughly 35% more likely to graduate…
Read MorePolitics As Usual . . .
A good many of you responded to last week’s babblings about the fiasco the U.S. House went through in electing a Speaker. To a person, you agreed that it was just another example of the ineptitude our government sadly exhibits now. But a lot of you went further. Much further. The anger, the frustration, the…
Read MoreNoblesville Elks Doing Good for Boys & Girls Club Kids
Once a month, Noblesville Elks Lodge members serve pizza to kids at the Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville. Elks members’ greatest satisfaction comes in watching the Club kids come through the door of the Club cafeteria and head to the serving counter to pick up their slice of pizza, and return to the counter…
Read MoreDo You Remember? . . . 10th and Pleasant
My friend, Pam Ferber, recently gave me some newspaper clippings her late mother, Pat Gibbs, had saved. Pat was very interested in genealogy and local history, and she’d cut out a LOT of articles. Among Pat’s clippings are some titled “Remember When?” and “Do You Remember?” A little research revealed that this was a feature…
Read More’23 Ford Maverick the Practical Antidote for Inflation
I know some people are sad to see 2022 kicked to the curb while Baby New Year takes up residence, but I am not one of them. Inflation was not kind to my paycheck or my family’s budget. Everything became more expensive and $5 gasoline is still felt through salted wounds. Given all of this,…
Read MoreBeauty in the Imperfections
I almost threw away my old lace napkins. They have rust stains on them. In order to cover the stains, I threw them in a pot of green dye and boiled them. The dye was not a success. The napkins all came out in slightly varying shades of green, and the rust stains—while less noticeable—were…
Read MorePlumbing Problems: How to Keep Your Bowels Running Smoothly
I’m running through my list of suggested topics from readers, and this one goes out to a reader from Sheridan. It’s a common problem, but one of those topics that doesn’t usually come up in casual conversation – constipation. There are three usual times in a person’s life when constipation can become a problem. The…
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