Sometimes Life Comes Down to a Simple ‘Doink’

Every time a National Football League placekicker lines up to kick a field goal, my friend Brian cringes. This holds true for college and high school field goal kicking, too, but his attention is most frequently focused on the professionals. You see, Brian believes that field goal kickers are getting robbed. I was over at…

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25+ Ways to Donate On Giving Tuesday

Today is Giving Tuesday. And there are many ways the community can donate to help others in our community. Giving Tuesday — which comes after Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday — is annually the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving and is a global day dedicated to giving back, celebrating philanthropy worldwide. A day…

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Day Five from the Manger in Bethlehem

As our trip reached its penultimate day, we are finally getting to the major sites in the life of Jesus Christ. Today began with a trip to the Mount of Olives – a place with so very many important historical events. It’s from here that Jesus ascended into heaven (Acts 1). Right across the Kidron…

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Day Four Unlike Any Thanksgiving Before

Thursday marked the most untraditional of Thanksgivings. But what a day to be thankful for. Our first stop after leaving the Dead Sea was Masada. If you don’t know the story, you would be hard pressed to find one with more drama, courage and sacrifice. If you do know the story and have never been,…

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Don’t Talk Louder, Talk Slower

I had my hearing tested recently and this week I got my new hearing aids. My wife has been bugging me to do this for a long time. I heard her, but I wasn’t really listening. Hearing loss runs in my family. My grandmother was born nearly deaf. When she finally got hearing aids in…

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On a Rock and Under a House – Day Three

Shalom from Hermon Mount, the site we know from Matthew where Jesus said, “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” That was the highlight for me on this third day in Israel. We began and ended the day in Tiberias. In…

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Turkeys, Cranberries and . . . Oysters?

A recent discussion with a friend about cranberries got me started wondering when cranberries, turkey and all the other traditional Thanksgiving dishes began to appear on Hamilton County tables. Unfortunately, I can’t provide any exact dates because we’re missing so many issues of the county’s pre-Civil War newspapers. However, other Indiana newspapers make it clear…

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