Summer Safety – Part 2

Last week I went over some sun and water safety topics. This week I want to write about wheeled conveyances that appear in the spring and summer months. It’s great to see kids and adults out on their bicycles now that the weather has warmed up. The downside is this will undoubtedly result in more…

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Funky 2022 Nissan Kicks Has Big Personality

What kind of car do you really need? My husband thinks he needs a twin-turbo German rocket wagon to get his kicks, but our budget determines otherwise. What we need is an affordable compact crossover with style, technology, fuel efficiency, and enough interior space for four and their luggage. Like many of you, we need…

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Poking and Clicking

“You gotta keep poking and clicking,” a friend tells me. “That’s what my daughter does.” By this, she means that learning new technology is not a straight path. I have to play with it. I have to find the process of learning fun and challenging and not get hung up when I make mistakes along…

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Remembering Evan Whatshisname

Wouldn’t you know it! I’ve forgotten Evan’s last name. It really aggravates me, because Evan is very important to me. He brings me food. Every Sunday, while young parents and kids are pulling into Applebee’s for that special after-church meal, or while grandpa and grandma saunter into the cafeteria for “mush food” (chewing is optional),…

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Club Opens New Recovery Center ‘For All Who Seek It’

Suburban North Club’s new recovery center opens today, just eight months after the building’s ground breaking in September. Club members, friends from the community, other recovery groups, Noblesville Mayor Chris Jensen, major donors, contractors and many others involved in the project are expected to be in attendance at today’s grand opening. The new $1.9 million…

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Master Gardener Plant Sale is Saturday Morning

Gardeners, it’s time to shine up your little red wagons, make your plant lists and head for this weekend’s plant sale. If you haven’t attended Hamilton County Master Gardeners’ plant sale, you need to go, particularly if you like gardening. The 24th annual spring Plant Sale is 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at the…

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Cutting Remarks

I see women in my neighborhood mowing their lawns. My wife doesn’t mow our lawn. I don’t think she will ever mow the lawn. Lawn mowing season is here and it just kinda drives me crazy trying to figure out why she won’t mow the lawn. I want to ask her about this, but I…

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