Urinary Tract Infections and How to Treat Them

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) account for about eight million doctor visits each year in the United States. These infections are much more common in adults, particularly in women. Children account for one to two percent of all UTIs, but their infections are often more serious. About 40 percent of women and 12 percent of men…

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21 to Compete Tonight in 4-H Fair Queen Contest

It’s been a whirlwind of activities for Hamilton County 4-H Fair Queen Pageant contestants, who will compete tonight for the 2022 crown. This marks the 62nd year for the Pageant, which offers an excellent opportunity for this year’s 21 contestants to make lasting friendships throughout the county. Participation in the pageant activities requires commitment to…

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Trash Talk

When I was a kid, after dinner we cleared the table and scraped whatever was left on our plates into a kitchen garbage bag. That bag was then dumped in one of two huge metal drums on the side of our house that were below ground. Not buried treasure: buried trash. On Mondays some guy…

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A Summer Update from Dr. Arrowood

With summer in full swing, our campus remains a busy place with much going on – inside and outside. In addition to being abuzz with all kinds of activity, we are in the throes of preparing for a new and exciting school year. We are updating our strategic plans and goals, our educators are working…

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Ideal Jobs

My co-worker Tom said he’s thinking about trying a new career. He should make that move soon, because he’s 63 years old. I share his concern, for I too have often wondered if I should stay in a job, switch professions, or just go back to sleep at my desk. The first thing I asked…

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Are Democrats Gaining Ground in Indiana?

The older I get the more stock I put into the law of unintended consequences. Look at energy. The U.S. has cut back on energy production. Not sure why, but that forced us to buy energy from foreign powers. Probably not what was intended. But it goes further. The idea was to battle global warming.…

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