108 Ballet Students Ready for An En Pointe Christmas
An En Pointe Christmas has something for everyone. The En Pointe Indiana Ballet School that presented a taste of its talent at the Noblesville Tree Lighting on Thanksgiving weekend will bring its annual holiday show this week to Noblesville High School. “If you love classical ballet we’ve got that for you. We also have a…
Read MoreBird Watching at Cool Creek
Attention bird watchers — it’s almost time for the Christmas Bird Count! You may recall the column about the Christmas Bird Count I wrote a few years ago, but just to refresh everyone’s memory — the CBC is a project the National Audubon Society has undertaken annually for 121 years. From December 14 through January…
Read More‘Hello, Dolly!’ Full of Music, Dancing
The music gets stuck in your head. The dancing was a dream to choreograph. And the story is simply fun. “Anyone that comes to see this production will leave with a smile on their face,” said Sharla Ball, show director for The Attic Theatre’s production of “Hello, Dolly!” The 1964 musical features lyrics and music…
Read MoreDr. Roberts Offers an Explanation of Colorectal Cancer Screening
This week I want to talk about screening for colorectal cancer (CRC). Fortunately, screening for this type of cancer has become more common due to increased public awareness aided by campaigns such as CDC’s Screen for Life Action Campaign There were approximately 148,000 cases of CRC in 2020 and 53,000 deaths, making it the…
Read More2023 Nissan Pathfinder Gets Back to Its Rugged Famiily Roots
The original Pathfinder was a pretty hard-core off-roader based on Nissan’s rugged hardbody compact pickup. First available with only two doors, but later four, it helped lead America away from station wagons and into family-friendly SUVs. Subsequent generations became ever softer, eventually looking like a pudgy blimp only the Brady Bunch would love. That is…
Read MoreCarrie was Wrong About Papayas
The fruit lady has my number. One of the things I like in Mexico—and other countries we have visited in the past—is buying fruits and vegetables from a stand, run by a family. I love wandering through the market, looking at all the unfamiliar things and asking questions. “Is this for today or for tomorrow?”…
Read More‘MitchFest’ Ends at Purdue, But Could Spread to Indiana
In mid-May 2003, in what Howey Politics described as “Mitch Mania during Mitch Week,” it was President George W. Bush who coined the political slogan for a Hoosier generation. Daniels was the man of the hour when President Bush came to the Indiana State Fairgrounds. Bush lauded Daniels, his departing OMB director as “my man…
Read MorePlease Lemme Get Through the Holidays
There are two kinds of Holiday traditions. There are those which transcend our individual fami-lies, and are shared by entire communities of people –– like putting up a Christmas tree, spin-ning the dreidel, or playing Jingle Bell Rock. Then there are other traditions which are solely confined within the family. For instance, my step-cousins always…
Read MoreTri Kappa, Trustees Get With The Times Again to Help Kids
Every year near the holidays, Tri Kappa sorority asks us at The Times newspaper to partner up in the promotion of the Beta Epsilon chapter’s annual Red Stocking Fund drive. And every year, I ask the drive’s coordinator, along with Noblesville Township Trustee Tom Kenley, or this year’s incoming Trustee Theresa Caldwell, to put on…
Read MoreNHS Choir Concert, Fun with Mrs. Claus, First UMC Festival
If you love holiday music and performing arts, Santa and Mrs. Claus visits and carriage rides, this weekend and next weekend are both filled with many things to do. All of the Noblesville High School choirs will perform tonight and Saturday afternoon at the annual Holiday Concert, themed “Cool Yule,” at NHS Auditorium. Santa is…
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