Activities, Perks to Honor Veterans

It’s time to celebrate our military veterans and thank them for their service. Veterans Day will be celebrated Friday during an array of events in Hamilton County. On Friday, most county government offices will be closed. Here at the county seat in Noblesville, a Veterans Day program will begin at 11 a.m. Friday at the…

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Going from Bad to Worse to . . .

When it comes to health, I have always considered myself a lucky guy. When I tell my family that, they roll their eyes and ask if I’d forgotten that my heart was laying on a table while some nice medical folks played around inside my chest earlier this year. Oh pshaw, I say. My daughter…

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Westfield Playhouse Celebrates New Diversity, Inclusion Play Offering

Main Street Productions in Westfield is expanding its horizons to include a new “Artist’s Choice Production” that celebrates inclusion, diversity and new voices. “Mothers and Sons,” the first play offering in this “category,” opens Thursday at Basile Westfield Playhouse. Adding this “Artist’s Choice” production may not be a moneymaker for the Playhouse, however, the theater’s…

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Wooly Worms, Persimmon Seeds and the Lacy Building

It’s a reader feedback week! The 2022-2023 winter forecast column prompted responses from several people. Nancy Lacy emailed that WISH-TV weatherman Randy Ollis reported seeing a dark brown wooly worm, and Lisa Hayner and Mari Briggs provided the first sightings I’ve received of striped wooly worms  — the kind that are mostly brown, with black…

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Get Out and Vote Today

It’s Election Day. Polls are open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. today. So get out and vote. But make sure you’ve done your homework on the candidates. The school board race in Noblesville is probably the most important race this year in many eyes. As a voter, you should make sure to vote for the…

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Rushing the Seasons

My husband, Peter, says they are rushing the season. I’m not sure who “they” are. The Christmas Cartel, perhaps. The vast conspiracy of premature holiday merrymakers. Whoever they are, Peter does not approve. And he does have a point. There are still life-size skeletons scaling the walls of a huge brick house I walk by…

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Restless Leg Syndrome

Someone told me the other day that they thought “restless leg syndrome” (RLS) was a condition cooked up by pharmaceutical companies to sell medications. You may have seen commercials for Requip and Mirapex, both drugs used to treat this condition. People have described symptoms suggestive of restless legs since the 17th Century. The Swedish neurologist…

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Whatever You Do Today, Vote . . . Please

A friend of mine used to be the mayor in Seymour. He went on to serve a decade or so in the Indiana House. He was a Democrat. I’m not. We used to have some great discussions. One day we were talking about voting and he shared this with me. On Election Day, your friends…

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