Finish Your Holiday Shopping Early with Help from Wolfsie

The Hammacher Schlemmer Christmas ’22 gift catalog just arrived! It’s the longest-running mail-order retailer of its kind, its pages filled with unique (if not quirky) selections. Here are some of my favorite choices. Who knows, maybe this holiday you will receive… John Wayne’s Canvas Rancher Jacket: This hand-crafted canvas jacket features a notched corduroy collar.…

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Odds and Ends from Israel Trip

Let me repeat something I wrote earlier. Jet lag is real. As of this writing, we have been home a little less than 24 hours. The clock and bright daylight tell me it’s mid-afternoon, but my body tells me it’s time for bed. In addition, my wife and I both feel like death eating a…

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First-Time Director Brings the Hills Alive

What more could a first-time guest play director ask for? A great cast and crew. Talented singers. And sold-out performances. Noblesville High School graduate Evan Elliott is having the time of his life directing “The Sound of Music”  in The Belfry Theatre’s 58th season. Why did he want to direct a show? “It has always…

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The First Airport in Hamilton County

Today, Hamilton County has several small airports, both public and private, but back in 1945 there was only one and I’ll lay odds most people don’t know where it was located. Fishers? Carmel? Noblesville? Nope. It was Sheridan. In February of 1945, the United States Department of Commerce notified the Town of Sheridan that Blackhawk…

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Answering Questions About Ovarian Cancer

I’ve had some questions recently about cancer of the ovaries so I’ll try and tackle this complex subject. Ovarian cancer is frightening because it is often very advanced before a woman receives a diagnosis. Most women present with stage III disease meaning the cancer has spread outside the ovary into the abdominal cavity and/or lymph…

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Baptisms in Jordan and Decapolis – Day Four

Wednesday was more or less a travel day. We left Tiberias early in the morning with a scheduled stop at the “River” Jordan. River is the key word, or actually, incorrect word here. As our guide explained, the Nile is a river. The Euphrates is a river. Jordan is just the Jordan. May be, but…

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